Monday, April 17, 2006

Loose Tooth

Jamey has his first loose tooth today. It is the right-front on the lower jaw. He is quite proud. It was big news when I arrived home from work in Portland. He insisted that I wiggle it, which I did, while oohing and aahing, and inside squeaming.
Even Arthur was getting a lot of mileage out of the excitement, explaining to me and later his aunt Connie "It wiggles this way and that way!"We had a nice dinner at Pete and Connie's house. The kids were so blissfully quiet and happy hanging out with their cousin Jacob, that I easily jabbered my way to 9 pm before realizing I'd better remove myself. Jamey said he wouldn't go home. He was having to0 much fun. Then he and Arthur began lobbying for a night of camping out with Jacob. We'll have to see if we can schedule that.


Anonymous said...

Good job J.G., if I recall, your Dad lost his teeth pretty early too. Thanks for the fun weekend, we had a blast.

Anonymous said...

Is there any news regarding the loose tooth? Has it gotten tight again? I sure hope it hasn't fallen out. What will BeeBoo do if his tooth falls out? Is there any hope?