Monday, September 11, 2006

Cows In The Garden

As if constant raids by deer aren't enough, today we woke to find a herd of cows in our garden. Bye bye corn, nice knowin' ya.


Lief said...

Looks like you guys need a ScareCow.


Anonymous said...

8 foot tall electric fence is all you need to keep the vermin out. Who's cows were they and what the hell were they doing out of their pasture. I am no expert, but that is not a free-range area so you should try and get some kind of compensation for the loss of crop (a side of corn fed beef would do nicely)


Anonymous said...

Well, I do feel sorry for you having your corn gone a missing, but I laughed my guts out at your funny understated comment "Bye bye corn. . . "

William A. Smith said...

...Helllllloooo Ribeye steaks :)

Nothing tastier than corn-fed beef.