Thursday, August 09, 2007

Arthur is Turning Five

I remember turning 5. I was in pre-school and I got a green paper crown with borders done in Elmer's glue dipped in green sparkles. I was surprised and pleased that a fuss was being made over me at school. I hardly knew these people, and here they were crowning me king for a day.

All that attention on my fifth birthday left a lasting impression on me. Later I learned that a person's personality is generally established by or in their fifth year. So, perhaps that year really is physiologically important to humans.

In any case tomorrow is Arthur's 5th birthday. He has requested a chocolate-chip birthday cake with Qui-Gon Jinn, R-4, "Three-C PO", Darth Vader and R2-D2. I think there were others I'm forgetting.

He will be humored.

He is definitely much more aware of what to expect out of a birthday this year. He knows the ritual and has no trouble enumerating his desires.

He asked for a remote-control airplane, and car. The car was to have many colored buttons on its remote control with which you could make turns, go, stop and blow blue smoke.

There were a few other things on his list, which I forgot, but I clearly remember his final request: "...a xylophone stick, because I think I lost mine."

If this is his personality for life, I'd say he's in good shape.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Arthur! I think I will personally eat some cake in your honor.

Hugs and kisses, kisses and hugs!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Lief said...

Happy Birfday Arthur!
I want my remote controlled vehicles to make blue smoke too.

Keep on growing little fella!

Anonymous said...

Dear Arthur,
I am so sorry I didn't call you on your birthday. Great Grandma and I were still recovering from our flight back from Washington DC and celebrating my own birthday on the 8th.
It is great to be five, isn't it? I don't remember my fifth birthday, but I DO remember my sixth: I got to ride a horse all by myself! What did you get to do special on your fifth birthday?

Heidi Zimmerman said...

Arthur Here (written as directed by Mom):

I got a ton of toys that are fun to play with. I got Chewbaca on my cake and I got R2D2 blasting off the cake. I got a R2D2 coin and it was big. And Darth Vader was blocking the R2D2 coin.

Great Grumpy Z. said...

Dear Arthur,
I'm glad you got fun toys for your birthday. And your cake decorations sounded (and, I see, looked great!)

You know what I got for my birthday one year?

That's right: a nice shiny, sharp pocket knife.
I used it to cut my finger several times! I still have a scar on that finger, because by the time the first cut healed, I would cut it again!

Love, Your Great Grumpy