Sunday, November 11, 2007

Arthur's First Favorite Song

It was super-cute one day when I heard Arthur singing this to himself in bed. I tried to capture him on .mp3, and it's still cute, even though he was unsettled and halting due to the recording process.


Great Grumpy Z. said...

Grumpy will have to loan his tape of "Give Me 40 Acres"so Arthur can learn the whole thing (I think it is all mostly decent, although there is at least one suggestive phrase leading up to a mild expletive, of which the Grand Mother wouldn't approve -- the mild expletive is not said/sung, just a pause in the song.)

Or maybe Grumpy should make a recording of Grumpy singing it!??
Do you thing Great Grandma would approve?

Bop-op said...

That song has been going around since...well, a long time. I remember in 1968 or 1969, when we towed the 18' cabin cruiser motor boat back to South Dakota, Great Grumpy was singing that song whenever we got into a tight spot. The song wasn't especially new at that time either.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet little voice!!

Great Grumpy Z. said...

"What a sweet little voice!!"

Margy, of course was talking about Arthur's voice, NOT Grumpy's!!