Saturday, September 20, 2008

Bike Trips

This week:
Tuesday: biked with Heidi and Jill 15 miles around Battle Ground with some hills
Wednesday: biked to work and back from 6.4 miles out. 12.8 mile round trip (Climbing out of Camas is like climbing out of your own grave)
Thursday: biked with Heidi and Jill 12.25 miles; mostly flat. Heidi's odometer turned over 100 miles.
Friday: biked to work from 12 miles out. 24 mile round trip. Met a guy on the road named "Scooter" who was just wrapping up a four-day, 200 mile biking/camping tour from Battle Ground to somewhere in Oregon.

Today is Saturday, and why I awoke in the 3 o'clock hour, I don't know, but Heidi and Jill and I are planning a 30 mile round trip, with some hills. At the apex of our trip we'll visit NW Organics farm, where I hope to buy some good-quality garlic for seeding my garden, and some for eating too.

Sunday and Monday will be days of rest from biking.

A month ago I was typically weighing in at 223 and now I am centered around 218. The Wii Fit says a good BMI for me would be 196. That's about what I had thought before the Wii, but somehow, having the Wii tell me helped. I can hardly wait to see how fast I can truck along when I'm 20 pounds lighter and stronger in the legs, heart and lungs.


Bop-op said...

Last June I had to pick up a laptop computer in North Renton and take it to the office with me the next morning. It came in a bag with a shoulder strap, so I just slung it over my shoulder and started pedaling. It weighed about 20 pounds, so I didn't try to maintain my normal 19-20 mph cruising speed, but settled for 16 instead.

After I arrived at the office, I began thinking about how 16 mph was my standard cruising speed a couple of years ago. Also, I weighed about 20 lbs more back then, so I guess I haven't improved my fitness. I just lost a bunch of useless body fat.

I'm certain you will begin going faster, or easier, as your weight transfers from fat to muscle.

Lief said...

Looks like someone (somethree) is becoming serious bikers.
STP here we come.