Sunday, May 08, 2005

New Stuff!

Several of you have asked me for photos of the house. Soon I will be able to provide them as I've just ordered a new Canon EOS 350D camera from I bought it without the lenses since Heidi already has two nice Canon EF lenses. I've been desperately needing a camera since I lost my previous one, which I was so happy with. I had it for a year and was still tickled pink about it when I lost it. Its loss cut me deep, which I think contributed to the one year wait before buying new.

This also means that I'll be able to send pictures of some other new stuff I already picked up for outfitting our new house. This table looks terrific in our dining area. It seats twelve, once we get some chairs, that is :). I got the table for a great price, but I may be sunk trying to get 12 matching chairs for it. :-

The kids are out whacking, hacking, tugging and climbing on everything in sight. They are like a couple baby orangutans, decimating foliage by the minute. They've really begun to have fun in our new place, with the weather warmer and the plants growing at an almost visible pace. Can't wait to get some more pictures of them.

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