Friday, February 24, 2006


Jamey recently got a new car-seat with head-rest sides to make it easier for him to sleep on long drives. Naturally he is far more thrilled about the box that the car-seat came in. Over the past few days he has gone to some effort to make a home out of his new box; placing sitckers inside and cutting out a window/door. With those amenities in place, he felt it was time to move in. So, last night he slept, the entire night, in his box/home. This is not a refrigerator box, or even a diswasher box; he can sit, but not lay in his box.
"Jamey, you slept the whole night in your box!"
(smiles) "I know. I like my box."


Lief said...

A boy after my own heart! You can tell him that I have slept on a picnic table, under a truck canopy in the rain one time. I couldn't move left to right and I had to sleep on my side to even fit.

I loved it.
I think I was voted "Most likely to sleep in a coffin just to see what it is like" in high school.

Anonymous said...

I love it! When I was little we made a "house" in the back yard adjacent to the alley, it was a glorified box, we kept taking things from the house to put in their -- yes amenities! Gotta love that boy!

Anonymous said...

boxes are awesome!