Friday, June 06, 2008

What do May Showers Bring?

Why, June showers, of course!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, we've had our flowers too. It's just plain funny how much it has drizzled lately.
It's great for the garden though. We've been eating fresh greens from our deer-proof garden for a few weeks now.
Jamey and Arthur performed at their schools spring show last night. They were cute. Arthur sang and kazooed his way through Little Boy Blue and Mary Mary Quite Contrary.
Jamey recited his own poem about aphids. Both poem and recitation were top-notch.


Great Grumpy Z. said...

Major complaints about this BLOG:
1. Why, after bragging about how cute my Great Grandsons antics were at their school's Spring show, does this posting not include any photos of same, nor samples of the poetry!!
2. Why do you keep ranting about the rain in Amboy?! Don't you realize that, what you call rain is not rain at all?-- it's more properly called "Oregon Mist"!! And that's what you get for moving down there so far away from your sons' GreatGrandparents -- and so much closer to Oregon.

Please try to do better in the future.

Really, Grumpy

Anonymous said...

Bravo Gentlemen! Another year, another talent show!

Hopefully you will be able to illustrate your talents to us at a future date. In the meantime I am proud to know we have an upcoming poet in the family and a kazooist. In fact I am doing my housework imagining the kazoo humming in my ear right now.

While you were performing in Amboy, Colette was performing in Newcastle. She sang a piece from High School Musical, and sang it very well. I was taken by her stage presence which reminded me of James, she to is tall and took fine command of the stage.
Additionally, Alexis Dobson was one of the emcee's, a peppy personality that looked so much like her Aunt Diane, that it was eerie. Overall a lovely night -- statewide it seems.

Grandma Theresa