Friday, April 11, 2008

Arthur Doing Better

Arthur began an episode last Friday night where he couldn't hold down any food. Saturday, we took him to the urgent care clinic; they called it a Rotavirus and prescribed Promethazine syrup to keep the nausea at bay.

He stayed home from school until Thursday, because that's how long it took until we felt he had observed him enough to say he was consistently holding down food.

He ate well yesterday. The last time he couldn't hold down a meal was Tuesday's dinner.

We're going to take him to a pediatrician to see if we should be more careful about what goes in. Arthur has had periodic bouts of vomiting that are hard for us to explain; we're hoping for some advice on whether he appears to be prone to vomiting and if there is anything we can do to make it less likely.


The Campbell's said...

Glad Arthur is feeling better!! That's a long time for a little guy to not hold down food. I will be anxious to hear what the doctor has to say! Take care all.

Lief said...

Sounds to me like we are living parallel lives. Emma and Ang have both been fighting nausea and protracted bouts with vomiting up until about Tuesday. The nausea is still present but they are holding down food now.
I don't think it was diagnosed as a rotavirus this time but if I recall that was what she had Nov or Dec of 07.
Poor little guy.
Take care buddy!

Great Grumpy Z. said...

Great Grandma & Great Grandpa are glad Arthur is feeling better. We hope the pediatrician finds out the reason for the up-chucking (Ramiro says, "It's not 'up-chucking', it's 'Barf!") and that there is a simple solution to it.

Love to all,