Tuesday, April 15, 2008

True Crime

Last Saturday, after leaving Amelia's birthday party, we pulled out onto Talbot road, northbound, when a giant, green SUV whipped in front of us, practically grazing our right front bumper.
In seconds it became apparent that he was chasing a gray sedan, whose trunk was smashed in.
A few more seconds went by, and the driver of the giant green SUV pulled up alongside the sedan and steered hard into it's left rear fender area. This sent the sedan into approximately three wild fishtails, and both of the oncoming lanes before the driver regained control and continued down Talbot towards Grady.
Before the vehicles were out of sight, we saw them go through a red light with a stream of cars from the opposite direction turning left in front of the racing gray sedan and green SUV. This did not deter both of them from weaving their way right through the light, and somehow, all the left-turners.
The chase made its way under the 405 overpass and after that we lost sight of them. By the time we got to Grady way, they were nowhere to be found. Heidi called 911, and found that others had already called, and they suggested that it was a gray Impala being chased by a green Yukon, which coincided very well with what we saw. They said the police were trying to track them down.


The Campbell's said...

That is crazy!! I am so glad none of you were physically hurt, although no doubt emotionally distraught for a time. Glad you are safe and sound in your neck of the woods.

Anonymous said...

What adventure!

Anonymous said...

It was over drugs, money or a woman - most likely drugs. This comes from my professional experience that most assaults and murders are over one or all of those three things.

The complete disregard for other human lives is truly shameful. I am glad that you were not injured.
