Tuesday, August 26, 2008

El Bandito or The Chicken Hunter

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UPDATE: This bobcat was on our property, mere feet away from the chicken coop when I took this picture. He or she had made a couple passes/pounces at the coop, which proved invulnerable. Nevertheless, the chickens became completely flustered. After taking several mediocre pictures from inside the house, I went down to give the chickens some relief from their fright and brought the camera for a potential close-up. One of which is pictured above.


Anonymous said...

Lordy, who took that photo, and is it on your property?


Bop-op said...

I hope you're not saying the Bandito got a chicken.

The Campbell's said...

Bad, bad kitty. Your picture is amazing but please tell me you weren't really as close as it seems you were.

Heidi Zimmerman said...

I was not as close as it seems I was. I was using a telephoto lens, and I've cropped the picture so it appears that the cat was filling the frame, but it was actually a very small fraction of the frame, even with my full telephoto, which is substantial.
The cat was gorgeous and shown orange brown in the evening sun.

Great Grumpy Z. said...

Holy Simoly!! Do you realize how rare it is to see a Bobcat during daylight hours -- or anytime, for that matter!

They are extremely secretive animals, usually hunting at night. Do you have some kind of "insurance" that this "little kitty" won't come back for a "midnight" appropriation of some of that "KFC" now that he/she knows where it is "packaged"?

Anonymous said...

Well it is a beautiful cat, but please tell me the boys are safe inside?

Grandma Theresa

Lief said...

Totally awesome!
BTW, kids and big (wild)cats don't mix.