Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year!

Heidi is throwing a birthday party for me and the new year today, at the same time! We're making red beans and rice and boston baked beans with the ham hock left over from christmas dinner. Yum.
From my parents, I received one of those weather-stations you've read me pining over. See, wishes do come true! At least if you shamelessly broadcast them to the world, repeatedly.
Alida Jacobson has a blog, which gets more photos than text, but they are good photos of her life and friends. I'm adding her to my blogroll.
My dad and I will be sawing up windfall, into tiny chunks that fit into our woodstove today. We may even fell a new tree if two desk-potatoes have the mustard to get it done. We'll be moving the windfall pieces across the seasonal creek, which is burgeoning currently. The land is saturated from consistent heavy rain we've had for the past 2-3 weeks.


Anonymous said...

Hey, you weren't supposed to get the Weather Station until the party! I thought you two were cutting trees yesterday?

Anonymous said...

Hey thanx for the insert and yes i added 5 or 6 more image sections of recent events for the audience lol talk to you soon :)