Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Finale Notepad

I just started playing around with Finale Notepad 2009. In about 15 minutes I made a little ditty from scratch that sounds about 100 times better than I thought it would. (Note, this is a highly subjective assessment based on a presupposition that my first composition would sound hideous.)

My "score" includes Piano and Oboe. I originally chose to include B-flat trumpet, voice and drum set, but as yet I'm not sure how to add notes to those without overcomplicating the score. However, adding notes is exceedingly easy using the software.

Anyway, I'm going to suggest that any of my readers who have an interest in composing music should give this a try. If you decide you love it, it's only $10 to buy.


Bop-op said...

What does the software do? Does it create musical sound, or write a musical score that can be played by a musician?

If it makes sound, can you post what you created?

Amboy Observer said...

Yes, it helps you to write a score and can generate a .midi file from the score. It is able to imitate many different instruments as well.

I will post my .midi if I can figure out how. Or I can just mail it to you.