Sunday, December 21, 2008

More Collage

Drifts higher than before.
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Bop-op said...

That looks like Alaska, or Antarctica! Your drifts are HUGE! Of course you have a lot more snow to work with there.

The trampoline may be permanently damaged if it continues to get more snow piled onto it. You could probably shovel some of it off to relieve the pressure.

Now would be a good time to have a pair or two of my home-made snowshoes on hand. You could easily walk to the Amboy market, but then I wonder if anybody would be there to open the store.

I hope you have plenty of food, because it looks like you may be stuck for a while.

Great Grumpy Z. said...

Believe me, that looks more like a good(?) old South Dakota blizzard scene more than an arctic one! And I hope you have plenty of food in stock also, although by the looks of Man-A Case Study, it doesn't appear as though anybody is suffering too much!

Keep up the reporting, Amboy Observer!!

Anonymous said...

You have a trampoline! Sweet!