Saturday, December 20, 2008

Record Snow Depth

After a medium-length debate about who should have to take the measurement, Heidi showed her true grit, dedication to science and proved once and for all that she truly has Swedish blood coursing through her veins by dashing out into the snowstorm that is raging tonight to plunge her quilting grid ruler into the snow and establish a depth of 15 inches!


Great Grumpy Z. said...

Hey, James!! Where is your chivalry?! With your great height and considering Heidi's -- um, -- let us say "altitude challenge", don't you think it would have been a better show of your manly position as Head of the House to have gone out yourself to measure the snow depth?

Amboy Observer said...

My chivalry extends as far as giving her credit on my blog.

Also, I had measured it when it was 12 inches and when it was 13.25 inches. Considering there was no letup in the wind and snow, I was ready to wait out the next measurement until the storm completely passed.

I guess I'm just more interested in the "glory" measurement and not interested in putting in the hard time that science requires.

Lief said...

Nicely done Heidi.

I guess we know who, if it were snowing and on a dare, wouldn't wear the pants in the family...bear with me here...that would be the only one of you willing to brave the storm who is related to...THIS MAN! (DUH da dunnnn)

Bop-op said...

We have some bare pavement and some drifts up to twelve inches deep in our driveway this morning. How can you be sure about the depth of the snow when the wind is blowing? I'm sure it takes a real Swede to know how to measure snow depth, and a quilting ruler seems like the appropriate tool for the job.