Friday, October 14, 2005


You want comedy?
How about this:
I have an irrational fear of Tumwater, Washington.


Anonymous said...

If I were commenting to this site, which I am not, I would say that is not funny, that is just another example of the rampant anxiety that runs through the bloodline. (Really THINK about the meaning of TUM WATER anyway, gross) Irrational fear = anxiety disorder. If you start feeling clammy when passing Tumwater on the freeway, you're on your way to a pill bottle and the sad result of that is, "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me, than have to have a frontal lobotomy". Before the disorder is finished with you however, you will have wished for both. Since I am not commenting however, how about a simple knock knock? Whilst I am not commenting either, would someone please tell the colorist that this granny (yes, the granny card) smith apple green is a pleasing color for fall and goes well with the pumpkin colors. A toute a l'heure..........

Amboy Observer said...

Why aren't you commenting on this site?
I don't feel clammy so much. Just a sense of suspicion. My psyche tells me nothing good can come from that town.
Anyway, I hope you don't stop commenting. It's a more reliable source of comedy than what I'm likely to post.

Anonymous said...

This is not a comment. It is a response. Well grasshopper, do I detect angst in your anxiety over this and Tumwater both? You had better get it checked out. How quickly we forget. Ha, you speak of nothing good coming of Tumwater--indeed--and what good came of the contest, what was the solution, what was awarded, what conclusions were drawn? The publishing entity of the contest had no fine print, no disclaimers no explanation for distribution of prizes nor notification of winners. No fine print at all! Invisible. Or is it yet another example of the growing popularity of 'transparency' in the corporate/public sector there? Or perhaps it was such a fine example/so incredibly transparent that it was, indeed, the perfect contest, the pinnacle of achievement in the hotly 'contest'ed marketplace? Soaring above all the rest, circling, waiting for just the right moment to swoop down on the unsuspecting contestant (is Ed MacMahon at my door?) Crafty, very wily grasshopper---YOU are the bird, you ARE the red tailed hawk!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I just think it's good common sense to have a fear rational or irrational of anywhere called Tumwater. What has Tumwater ever done for any of us except brewed a whole lot of beer? OH....yea...never mind.. Long Live Tumwater!