Thursday, October 13, 2005

Heightened Expectations

I really don't know why I haven't been posting lately. I'm pretty sure just as much has been happening.
Heidi has had two relatives die recently. Her aunt and now a cousin who was only 14 and whose service is this Saturday. Causes, were cancer and leukemia respectively. Heidi is of the opinion that everyone in her family dies of cancer, so now we'll have Turmeric with every meal.
She will attend the service for her young cousin this Saturday, while Jamey, Arthur and I will man the booth Heidi has reserved at the Fargher Lake Grange Fall Sale.
We were going to attend a Friends of the Library shindig a couple weeks back. We thought it was going to be fairly formal, so I bought a suit (the first suit I've ever owned!). However, Jamey had a terrible fever the day of the event, so we decided we couldn't turn him out of his bed for everyone's sake. As a result, I've yet to wear the suit.
I've had some good conversations over e-mail and IM with a couple of my cousins. Sounds like Will might be starting a blog. I hope so. I'm going to subscribe when it happens. Hopefully this online journaling will catch on with more of the family. Jen has a blog, but only posts pictures infrequently (which, by the way, doesn't waste my time since I'm using an RSS feed reader to subscribe to her blog).
PSA: RSS. Get it. Learn it. Live it. Love it. RSS.
Go to bloglines, or newsgator or someplace like that and start aggregating. But don't subscribe to anyone who averages more than 2 posts per day. It will SUCK YOUR LIFE AWAY. Trust me. Count Roogin must be behind Engadget, The Register and Slashdot.
In other news....
I bought a cord of wood. Now I have to use nothing else to heat the house all winter so I'll know how far a cord gets me. Science is indeed a cruel mistress.


Anonymous said...

I'm disappointed that you neglected to mention Lief's blog and believe you should meliorate your prose.

Anonymous said...

I still can't figure out that RSS thing...sounds like some kind of hocus pocus but I will try to expand my mind, but if I lose some of this useless knowledge I've been collecting all these years due to learning RSS, I'm coming for you cousin!
Hey! my blog is up and running. Glad to hear Jen is also blogging, look at us cousins go!


Anonymous said...

Maybe you can explain to us why anybody would want RSS in combination with a blog, rather than simply communicating through email. Personally I have found that teaching people how to use simple email is a difficult enough task that I prefer to avoid adding RSS and blogging into the mix.

Anonymous said...

I am laughing so hard at the idea of you, Heidi and turmeric I can hardly breath!

Also, I see you have a quote from Uncle Walt Whitman on your site!
