Friday, October 28, 2005

Weather Information

Have you ever thought that the temperature, rainfall and wind-speed at 'the airport' just isn't accurate enough for your happiness? Does your local weatherman look sly or untrustworthy? Have you ever gone to the kitchen to pop some corn and come back to the TV to find you've missed the weather report and are now gripped by the nagging question: 'How many inches, exactly has it rained today'?
Fret no longer friends. Come with me into the fabulous world of tomorrow by purchasing this awesome weather-monitoring system for installation at your home!
Did you notice the rain gauge is self-emptying?
And, the data can be integrated with the online data at Weather Underground.
Furthermore, you'd get highly accurate data to assess the thermal performance of your home. Something that may be of particular interest if you have an unusual construction method. One that the world may be interested in knowing more about.
Oh, yeah, and the sensors are all 'iPod white'!
So, the need for this system is irrefutable, right? The evidence in favor: overwhelming.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

How do I get one?