Friday, October 07, 2005

Time to play "Name That Bird" Anyone? Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Some kind of hawk, it would have been easier if he would turn his head. Could you ask him to do that please? Not a falcon surely? Don't laugh, I have never read a bird book in my life. What's the prize by the way?

Anonymous said...

It's hard to tell much about this bird, like how big it is, along with what shape of bill does it have, and how long and what colors are in the tail? Hawks are very difficult to identify, so without this additional information it is a hopeless quest.

The most likely candidate, based on your location, is a Red Tail, but it also could be a Cooper's, Goshawk or Rough Legged hawk. All of them can have brown wing feathers and streaked breast.

If the bird is about 20" long, that would increase the chances that it is a Red Tail. Check out the speckled scapulars (middle of the wing when perched), to find a white "V" shape (if you were looking at the back of the bird), which Sibley's says is indicative of a Red Tail.

Anonymous said...

When is the winner going to be announced? Is there a chance we could get a glimpse of it flying? That would help the competition a lot. When does the contest end? I could use the prize money before the holidays if possible!

Anonymous said...

Brian at work has owned about six or so Red Tails and he says this is definitely one. He noted the vertical banding near the front shoulder and how it gets thicker near the belly. Also he is just familiar with the overall shape and size and is convinced it is a Red Tail.

Anonymous said...

Aha, my first choice was red tail since that is what you see so often flying around there, but it seemed too obvious, that is why I hedged my guess with plain old 'hawk'. Next time no hedging. My, everybody on here seems to be so serious, guess I'll have to find another blog to bug.

Anonymous said...

I cannot tell the size of the bird so it is hard. Since everyone else is guessing it is some of kind of hawk I will go another route and say it is a Merlin - I just like to be different.


Anonymous said...

Guessing the identity of this bird is getting boring, especially since Brian has definitely identified it.

How about if we try to guess the identity of the "Anonymous" heckler two comments up? I think it's Mimi.

Lief said...

Yeah, let's out Anonymous! I guess Mimi too!

William A. Smith said...

Ok I'll play along. Since everyone else has guessed what species this bird is and the caption clearly says "Name That Bird", I will branch out on my own (pun intended) and name the bird Harold :)