Thursday, June 07, 2007

More Charles Johnson

I just finished Charles Johnson's Soulcatcher, which is, in the words of original short stories based on the PBS series Africans in America: America's Journey through Slavery

The guy is talented. And it makes me want to learn more about some of the back-stories, lesser-known motivations and facts about historical figures of the early 1800's US. Johnson provides perspectives you just don't get often. He points out in his preface that authentic information about the contributions of African Americans thorughout history is exceedingly hard to find in our education system. I'm definitely going to pursue more information about Frederick Douglas and Phillis Wheatley, not to mention some of the other characters and events he uses in his short fiction. He sprinkles just enough factual information to pique the curiousity; make you want to know what really happened.

I also recently finished Sherman Alexie's latest novel, which was good.

If anyone is interested in these books, I'm happy to send them along to someone who would enjoy reading them.


Anonymous said...

Is that Charles Johnson from the UW English Department?

And Sherman Alexie, I would love to read them when you are in the neighborhood.

(I sent one message that doesn't seem to have registered, if this is a duplicate disregard.)

Great Grumpy Z. said...

Jame, the AAMU in Huntsville AL where the CIM lab is located was started as an all-black college back in the days when it was considered not acceptable for whites and blacks to go to the same school.
George Washington Carver as well as some other notable black scientists made great strides in advancing their craft while there. You might want to go to the AAMU website: to learn more.