Sunday, September 23, 2007

Creating Things

Jamey and Arthur and I have been creating things this morning.

Arthur created a nutritional drink. Here is the recipe:
How to make SuperSwords
by Arthur

Nickname is Frud
It's a nutritional drink that makes you healthy
It is a mix between swords and something else
It's like your hands are as tough as swords

How to make
A lot of greens (any green you can find, as long as it's healthy for you)
Add a splash of milk and a splash of water

Jamey created a Banana Smoothie:
Banana Smoothie
by Jamey

First you have any type of milk you want
Pour it in a glass
Then take a banana and peel off the skin and cut it into the glass
And then you take something to squish and stir it until the banana is not there

Then you can drink it.
And I got my Bingo program revived from my dead hard drive. Luckily I had been e-mailing updates of the code to my dad, so I only had to search my mail and I found a fairly recent version of the code.

Specifically what I created today was a Reporting Services report that creates a new, random, printable bingo-playing card every time you refresh the report. Since installing reporting services might be too elaborate for many of the people I plan to give my bingo software to, I plan to include 100 or so pre-made cards, as .PDF files, on the CD I distribute.

I know, I can hardly contain your excitement, but you are just going to have to wait until Christmas. :D

Now Jamey has another invention:
How to make snowballs in summer

First you have a round balloon. If it has air in it, you pop it. And if it doesn't you just pour water in it.
And then you put it together and put it in a freezer and freeze it.
And then you take off the plastic.
And then you have your snowball in summer!


Anonymous said...

Glad to see that creativity is alive and well in Amboy! Fun talking to you all.

Lief said...

A snowball in summer eh?
Sounds REALLLLLY familiar.
I seem to remember more than one snowball stashed in our freezer with the express purpose of surprising the whole neighborhood by bringing it out in July.