Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Tastier Teaser

Lief came up with this, which is way cool. Consider yourself professionally teased.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Bingo Teaser

Here's a little something to whet your appetite for what will undoubtedly be the most exciting electronic bingo game you'll receive for Christmas this year.

The random-number-generator is currently undergoing extensive stress-tests, and the results are looking very random indeed.
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Saturday, October 06, 2007

Dutch Apple Pancake Breakfast

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We found this map and have been excitedly planning how to get to the locations it describes all morning.
Here's what we've come up with so far:
Things to pack on our journey to the map area

1. Pack a bottle so we can make the poisonous lake not poisonous. JGZ
2. Take a water balloon so that we can pour it in a glass and stir it so we can see what chemicals or poison it has in it. AJZ
3. Bring a Leatherman tool, to help us in unexpected difficulties. JEZ
4. Bring some food and drinks for our journey. JGZ
5. Try every way: North, East, West and South. AJZ
6. A penny alcohol stove. JEZ
7. Pack a tent. JGZ
8. Take a sample of dragon dust. AJZ
9. Don't breathe while you are in there, or put a mask on. JGZ
10. A bottle of denatured alcohol. JEZ
11. Check out the jungle. AJZ
12. Bring Important Tools JGZ
13. Some rope. JEZ
14. A flashlight. HKZ
15. A First Aid Kit. HKZ
16. Go to the place where everybody is sleepy (Groggy Village) and then go to the X and then you go straight to the right. AJZ
17. Toys. JGZ
18. Sleeping bags, pillow JGZ

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Free Information

If you're like me, you get out in your car, get to town and realize there is a place you've been dying to go, but don't remember exactly where it is. You have your cell phone, but don't know the number. Your enthusiasm for paying for 411 service is on par with your enthusiasm for sticking a toothpick in your eye.
If you are like me, allow me to introduce you to the "No Tears" 411

Not only is it free information, but it's by the free information people: Google.

Never pay a fee for directory information again.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Saffron Ice Cream

Not only did we have Saffron Ice Cream today, but it was Homemade Saffron Ice Cream.

Our ice cream maker that we were given 9 years ago on the occasion of our marriage, has rattled about amongst our possesions for most of that time. However, we always agreed that, unlike many things we've had to jettison just to fit in our house, the ice cream maker should stay.

Well it all paid off today. In case you are wondering, saffron ice cream is indeed as decadent and delicious as it sounds. We made it the extra-decadent way with 6 egg yolks per quart.

Jamey got some practice separating yolks from the albumen and helped me greatly in the elaborate process involved in making good ice cream from scratch.

He also helped me make lunch by slicing potatoes, tomatoes and onions. He is so enthusiastic about cooking, he reminds me of me as a boy and I'm fantasizing that I can send him off to culinary school someday and when I retire I'll become his "Tester" for the delicacies he invents for his 5-star restaurant. :)

This Mask is Fierce

Arthur has been going great-guns with cutting shapes lately. He's focused way beyond his years when in pursuit of something that catches his interest.
Above is Arthur in the mask he made 100% by himself (except I had to tie on the string). This is just something he did, out of the blue.
It is an alien. A very fierce alien. And if you look at it you might have bad dreams, but Arthur won't because he's wearing it and, as such, can't see it.
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