Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Free Information

If you're like me, you get out in your car, get to town and realize there is a place you've been dying to go, but don't remember exactly where it is. You have your cell phone, but don't know the number. Your enthusiasm for paying for 411 service is on par with your enthusiasm for sticking a toothpick in your eye.
If you are like me, allow me to introduce you to the "No Tears" 411

Not only is it free information, but it's by the free information people: Google.

Never pay a fee for directory information again.



Anonymous said...

You are your Granny Erskine's grandson for sure! She used to be an operator for Ma Bell, she would be proud that you found free information via the telephone Go Google!

Lief said...

HOLY CRAP...just when you thought it was safe to be an entrepreneur.
Google has done it again.

Nice find.
Pun not intended.