Thursday, February 05, 2009

Porch Light

We won't be accused of moving too quickly on this issue, but we finally installed a porch light that works. We are very happy with it. It has a motion-sensor, a timed shutoff, three bright LED bulbs, a small solar panel and a battery pack. All for just $99.99 at Lowe's.

It took 3 sunny days to charge the batteries, but tonight I was greeted with cheerful, autonomously activated white light when I came home from work.

For those of you who may have visited us and may have come or gone during the night, you will have experienced something more akin to falling into an inkwell than traversing a welcoming porch. No more. Now, through the wonders of modern technology, you will be bathed in LED luminosity every time you approach.
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Great Grumpy Z. said...

The picture suggests a most welcoming warmth of light! (Just three LED's give off all of that light? Great!)

Gotta come see for myself!

Anonymous said...

Great, can't wait to see it in person. It is rather dark out there in the night.
