Thursday, November 19, 2009

Music Review - November

Hope Sandoval

Have you ever had a dream where you are swimming underwater and then you realize you can't get to the surface in time, so after some brief moments of panic you surrender yourself to fate and breathe-in, only to discover, in a suffusion of pleasure, that you are able to breathe water.

Hope Sandoval's voice has the same effect on me: I want to resist, but can't and soon I discover I don't need to. Don't want to. The waves are lapping, darkly above me. I'm drowning, but her merciful mermaid song soothes me. Her voice bends and sways like the murky light making it down through the waves. It is eerily beautiful, like far-off whale song.

The dream, I am happy to announce, continues with "Through the Devil Softly" the latest release by Hope Sandoval & The Warm Inventions.

Disclaimer: I am reviewing Hope Sandoval here, not the album, which I have yet to hear. My faith in her is so near absolute that I feel safe in recommending the album, though I have not heard it.

Interestingly, after writing my review, I went to Amazon and read some reviews of the album, only to find my words echoed:
it will just grab your soul and refuse to give it back...

So beautiful. Haunting, mysterious, heartbreaking, dreamy.


Momsie said...

Awesome description!

Lief said...

Totally Awesome description.
I just got/bought four songs of hers on Amazon through a 3 MP3's for free promotion that runs through Nov 30th.