Sunday, May 01, 2011

Good things

Martha Stewart has hers, now it's my turn:
  • Pomegranate Black Currant Balsamic vinegar, by A Taste of Eden LLC. My mom gave me a bottle of this and it is heavenly. I just had some with a fresh sourdough boule.

  • Nettles. These are free if you're willing to pick them and they make world class green tea. Two weeks ago I made some soup out of them and it was fantastic. Supposedly it is very good for you too.

  • Dandelion Jelly. Heidi found a recipe and made this a few days ago. I could have gone my whole life and never tried this due to the awful experience of getting dandelion sap on my tongue as a child. However, the petals (which are the only part used for the jelly) are as aromatic as the sap is bitter, which means my toast has recently become a playground for my senses. Dandelion jelly will now be in rotation along with rhubarb compote and the many more traditional jams and jellies Heidi makes.
There are more, but I'll save those for another post


The Campbell's said...

I also have a bottle of the Pomegranate Black Currant Balsamic Vinegar. Very tasty indeed!

Great Grumpy Z. said...

" ... rhubarb compote and the many more traditional jams and jellies Heidi makes."

I would say that Heidi makes nothing that could be called "traditional" by the common meaning of the word!! Change the description from "more traditional" to "other exotic" and it will be more accurate in my estimation!

Momsie said...

So glad you like the balsamic. I couldn't resist it, and I am really not a foodie; but good is good!

Curious about the dandelion jelly due to the copious rain this season we have a lot of the green and yellow!


Lief said...

Two words I would NEVER have put together willingly - Dandelion Jelly.

We might be able to keep the neighborhood in jelly with enough raw material - ACTUALLY THAT WOULD BE REALLY FUNNY!

Neighborhood gift of dandelion jelly! Fresh from our lawn to your mouths.

Anonymous said...

Considering that I have an acre of dandelions, this recipe sounds like a must have. When life gives you dandelions, make dandelion jam. This is timely because I have been looking for a non-chemical way to get rid of these invasive species. Now I can just utilize them.


Great Grumpy Z. said...

I gotta invent a machine to automatically harvest just the yellow part of the Dandelions.

I'll be rich! I'll be famous!!