Friday, February 03, 2006

New Business

I received my business license in the mail this week. I am now the sole proprietor of:
Z-Axis Data Solutions
get closer. go further.

Currently I'm offering relational database design and application programming. Someday I'll have a job for everyone in the family, just like Dollywood, it'll be great.

Giant Ear-Hole-Rings
Does anyone have insight into why so many young men are putting massive holes in their earlobes? I've seen this so much lately. I just want a peek inside the mind of someone who sees the beauty in that.

Poetry Contest
The Washington State Grange is holding a poetry contest. Non-members may submit entries if sponsored by a subordinate Grange (I can take care of that).
Entries are due by April 1. The theme is "Holidays" (sorry, out of my control). Judging criteria: 50% for Originality and Organization; 25% for Adherence to Theme; and 25% for Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation and Neatness

Photo Contest
There is also a photograpy contest with entries due April 1st. There are many categories. You will win a ribbon for entering. $50 if you take Best of Show in the entire state of Washington. So, the tension palpable, the competition is stiff. The air, practically crackling with electricity. The hopes and dreams of each contestent riding on this show. Knowing that their showing could make or break their entire careers.


Anonymous said...

Once again the 'family' aspect of this blogspot is brought into question. Z-Axis get closer, go further? Are you kidding? What are you selling? Ha. Hmm, I hope you haven´t printed the business cards yet. Hee hee hee.

I can´t wait to see what job I get. I need a huge window, not too much air conditioning, I would also like my personal assistant to look like Tag on Friends if that´s ok. I will let you know about my other requests when and if you find me a spot. How about president of Globabl Operations? I have a bit of experience in the do's and don´ts of international business. Under the current employer, I can give you a big list of don´ts (dont's????)

Hope you are over your cold.

Amboy Observer said...

No, as a matter of fact, I haven't ordered the business cards yet.
Now I have to spend who knows how long thinking of another motto, because my linguistically creative relatives are able to find lewd innuendo in four little words. Dolly Parton must be a saint.
OK. If that makes me sound more like a dating service than a data service, what can I say to be less ambiguous:
stay close. go far.
go further
stay near. go far.
easy as x y z
get dimensional
where data becomes information
move on it

Of course, one might suggest that the more erotically suggestive the motto is, the better for business. Look at Nike and their hugely successful "Just do it" campaign.

Anonymous said...

True, but do you really want to be another Madonna? Hee hee hee I´ll ponder the logo, give me a couple of sleepless nights.

Anonymous said...

Did you say a job for everyone? Where do the Campbell's send their resumes? You know I am a people person!!! The more talking the better. : )