Monday, February 11, 2008

Health Food? Or Just Plain Stinky?

The latest miracle fruit to enter my radar screen is acai berry (pronounced ah-sigh-EE). Heidi has purchased a vitamin drink by Emergen-C, flavored with that berry. I just did a little poking around on Google and found that is supposed to cure a great many things. Perhaps not as many as a sea salt bath, but still a respectable number of ailments can be vanquished through the ingestion of this fabulously powerful fruit, which hails from Brazil.

As for myself I don't know how I could every consume it. For it has, distinctly, powerfully and pungently, a smell that vividly brings to my mind the substance that male house cats use to mark out their territory.

While on my search, just now, for information on the acai berry, remarkably I found no one who already blogged about this remarkable and undeniable similarity.

So, I make my plea to you, oh reader, to buy some of this healthful beverage and write back to give your opinion: does the acai berry smell overwhelmingly like cat spray, or not?


Lief said...

I will let someone else tell me what they find. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Love ya, but no!!


Anonymous said...

I'm with Lief and Margy; couldn't we just let it go at that, namely that you think it tastes like --- er, uh. --- what you said.

Anonymous said...

I bought a bottle of powdered Acai, and the odor hit me the minute I opened the bottle. I seriously thought of taking it back to the store. Yes! it smells really bad.