Sunday, May 04, 2008

Crying, From Laughing

In my family we always pick a Kentucky Derby horse for the fun of it. Sometimes we'll even bet 10 cents.
Back in 1981, I was still a child, the first time we did it (spurred on, I think, by my brother's enthusiasm for the Black Stallion book series.)
That was the only time I've picked a winner. It has been 27 years since then. Despite my early success, time has shown that you can't pick a horse by its name alone.

Back to the present time.

I don't think dead horses are funny. I don't think broken legs are funny. Two broken legs on one dead horse, is, in fact, a miserable thing to contemplate.

I literally feel ill when I hear of a horse euthanized before its time due to two broken forelegs. Generally, I try not to think about it for long, because it makes me queasy. I have empathy and sympathy for the animal, as well as the people that owned and cared for the animal.

What is mildly funny is when a family-member "bets" on that horse in the Kentucky Derby.

And what strikes me as hugely funny, is when one issues a polite request to that same family member to never "bet" on onesself, should one happen to ever be in a race of any sort.

To make such a request suggests a deep-rooted sense of superstition. Those who know me, know I have no such sense in actuality. But I do believe, (perhaps erroneously) that it makes for an hysterical joke.

That is why, in the picture above, you will notice a gleam on my lower eyelids. By myself, in my office at 7 on a Sunday morning, I laughed until I cried after sending just such a request to my sister-in-law, who has never been anything but gracious to me.
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Great Grumpy Z. said...

You may find out how "gracious" she is -- if she responds to your request by betting on you!! Ha! ha!

Seriously, I hope you don't break a leg.

And if you do, I promise I won't let anyone "put you down"! Or at least, you can be sure that the Grand Mother won't allow it; you know, she thinks her "Grandsons can do no wrong!".

Anonymous said...

You are so right, an injured horse is not funny. After the race, Abby called me to say her horse won! After appropriate accolades discussion turned to the unfortunate horse, Abby confided she was just about ready to cry, I commiserated telling her that I too felt pretty sick about it, and was darn near to tears myself. Ready to puke was really more like it.

All that said James, you are funny! And well, no offense Ang, but maybe you will be staying home when we go to Emertald Downs!?

At any rate Jamey's comments would have done Mark Twain proud.
