Saturday, May 24, 2008

What do April Showers Bring?

In school I was taught that April showers bring May flowers. But, in Amboy, WA things are a little different. Yes we've had some flowers, but they have been overshadowed this month, by the great overshadowers: clouds. And rain.
So, I've arrived at the new mnemonic, for use in Amboy: April showers bring May showers!

In any case, things are green around here. I need to sharpen my scythe blade and make some hay.


Anonymous said...

By some small miracle today it is beautiful in Seattle and for the most part sunny! Shock of shocks!


Great Grumpy Z. said...

I like your "turning the phrase" onto itself: "April showers bring May flowers".

That's a pretty good saying for all of Western Washington. Remember, the rain is what makes things green!! (Unlike SoCal where lots of sunshine makes everything brown -- and incendiary.