Saturday, October 09, 2010

Garlic Planting Time, The Sequel

My order of seed-bulbs came in today. Heidi ordered them for me for Father's Day. I received 8 oz each of Kazakhstan, Spanish Roja and Mt. St. Helens.

The Kazakhstan is an older variety that comes from the area that is geographically near the origins of garlic.

Spanish Roja is touted in my book (Growing Great Garlic) as being the best tasting garlic.

And Mt. St. Helens is a local favorite, said to be as explosively fiery as its namesake.

So, I have some truly fine choices to anticipate next summer.

Be sure to get yourself some garlic in the ground by Halloween! I don't know if it will protect you from the undead, but come July 4th, the garlic could be the life of the barbeque.


Momsie said...

Thanks James, I'll heed your advice!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder. I just have to decide whether to plant it in the raised beds or ground where the potatoes were. We had a HUGE potato harvest of russett, yukon gold, purple and a fingerling (I forget which type).

I would love to have some homegrown garlic next summer.
