Arthur received a Naydenov Gymnastics Champion ribbon from his gymnastics instructor (Jamey and he have resumed classes). Unfortunately, the ribbon was consolation-prize for having been jumped upon by another student, while playing in the "foam pit".
He said the teacher gave it to him to make him feel better.
Did it work?The teacher is, in fact, impressed by Arthur's abilities, whose leg is rapidly regaining it's old range-of-motion.
Did it make you feel better?
Hmmm. Maybe a tiny bit. (smiling)
Jamey is getting a lot out of the classes too. His height alone makes him an unlikely gymnast, but it does worlds for him to have such great physical exertion.
We are so glad that life has taken on its normal hum for you all again; and that Arthur and Jamey are back at their gymnastic activities. We can just see them bobbing and bouncing and jumping around, with their little heads of hair lifting and falling with each vertical bounce. Thanks for the update.
Congratulations Arthur!
There are many professional athletes that get paid money year after year to get jumped on and most of them don't get Champion ribbons for it!
Also, I am proud of Jamey for such good reading abilities.
Grandma and I are excited and proud of Jamey doing so good in reading! Keep up the good work there big guy!
And Arthur, good for you for being a good sport about someone jumping on you. I hope they didn't do it on purpose, though! Some day they may be sorry -- you might be their boss!
Love to you both, from the Great Grumpy and Great Grandma Z.
The earlier comment that said "anonymous" was me. Somehow I forgot to click the right button or something.
I'm proud of Jamey's reading abilities too, I don't want to imagine not being able to read!
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