Thursday, October 13, 2011

Second Commute

I had dramatic improvement on my second commute, getting my one-way time as low as 78 minutes!

The only issues I'm having are fog on my goggles and rain at high-speeds.
I'm going to have to look into a product like Fog-Tech to see if I can defeat the foggy goggle problem.

Here's some photographic evidence of my morning commute from several days ago:


Great Grumpy Z. said...

Pretty impressive!
How many amp-hours are you consuming from the batteries on such a one-way trip?

I suppose you will be losing some weight with these kind of average speeds each way each day; then you will start eating like a horse and build up muscle like the ex-Governor of California.

Amboy Observer said...

I used over 12 amp-hours on that trip. That's "pedal to the metal" the whole way.

Lief said...

Crazy amazing speeds! That's about 20 min longer than it takes me to get to the office and I'm only 17 miles away!
And I've never hit that kind of top speed either.

Great Grumpy Z. said...

It's a good thing Jame doesn't go through any big metropolis -- he would get pulled over for speeding!

He may anyway, on those narrow, winding country roads.