Monday, March 04, 2013


We've recently taken some classes in reduction printmaking. It's been loads of fun and the results are pleasing too, even if they are a bit rough due to our inexperience.
Three attempts to colorize my sockeye salmon print. This one was only 2"x 3". 

After printing on pure white paper for a while, our instructor allowed us to print on photos. This bison comes out looking fairly natural against a blue sky with white clouds.

Heidi's gorgeous stylized chicken using blended red and white ink.


Lief said...

Love these - unequivocally.

Momsie said...

What Lief said :)

Amboy Observer said...

Thank you for saying so.

Bop-op said...

Yes, they all look nice, but how do you use them? (That's what I asked Alan Wright when I first saw his elephant sculptures.)

Amboy Observer said...

Since you ended up friends, he must have thought that was a charmingly innocent question.

Momsie said...

Nice retort James! You would make a fine diplomat.