Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Blog....and ye shall receive!?

Perhaps it's time to update the age-old saying? Only last week I wrote that I wanted to get back into .NET programming, and just days later the perfect opportunity arose. I now have a cool xml to xml conversion program under my belt. And, I was able to use two .NET technologies that I'm currently most interested in: .NET regular expressions, and the .NET xml classes. Oh, and I got to use the newGUID function, which is pretty handy.
I was a little surprised at a behavior I noticed with a regex.replace I tried. It was unable to replace using the group reference $2. That seems odd to me. I was able to accomplish it using the match class, but that was after some time of being frustrated by the .replace function.
While I found it slow getting started, I can see that with a little practice, pumping out handy exe's with .NET could get ridiculously easy. On a slight tangent dotnetmonster will be added to the related sites page on msdn.microsoft.com. It looks like it could be a useful place. Let me know if you find anything cool there.
Speaking of published on microsoft.com, check me out...I'm published there too, albeit, limited to a script, but hey I'll take what I can get!
Home front:
My fingers are crossed that we'll get our occupancy permit today.
Can someone explain to me why I should pay the premium for a Tablet PC? The pull is almost irresistable, but the brain cannot explain it. Why do I want so badly to draw on my monitor with a pen? I just do. It sounds fun! And, maybe it'd be useful too?

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