Thursday, January 19, 2006

Death to Dryers

Fort Bale, which is my new preferred nickname for our home, is death to clothes-dryers. We have had three of them come and go since we moved in here, roughly 9 months ago.
Now, in a sign of surrender, we are attempting to go 1860's-style and hang everything on a dowel-rack next to the woodstove.
Which reminds me, we've been weaning ourselves back off of the floor heat, since we still have a lot of wood left for this season, and a bunch stacked for next season. And so far we still haven't received a bill from the utility company so that we can assess the cost of running the floor heat for the month or so that we ran it. I'm starting to think they sent our bill to some law-enforcement agency to have them look into why our electricity-usage went from "refrigerator, lights and a couple computers" to "refrigerator, lights, couple computers and uranium-enrichment facility with a mid-sized aluminum smelter"


Anonymous said...

Have you had your electrical outlet checked to make sure it is grounded and giving you the correct ammount of juice? I cannot think of anything else that would cause that.

Tom Buss

Anonymous said...

I love "Fort Bale", so it shall be.

Amboy Observer said...


I left out one salient point: they have all been purchased used, and very cheaply. At least one of them was thrown-out due to a ghastly screeching noise it produced, even though it still 'worked'.

Anonymous said...

It may be time to purchase a new one. A lot of appliance places have 0 down 0 interest for six months deals. It is not like you can easily run downtown and use a laundrymat.