Thursday, November 17, 2005

$100 Laptops!?

Nicholas Negroponte is on a mission to bring IT to everyone. It's a noble mission. I hope he succeeds. Here is a quote:
The device is intended to be a computer, e-book, games console and TV all in one, and its promoter, MIT Lab chairman Nicholas Negroponte, evangelised about a production run of millions within just one year.


freethoughtguy said...

Yeah, well, how will the users get trained?

Amboy Observer said...

Good question. I'm really not sure how it will play out. Although I recently read about a hopeful-sounding project in India, in which computers were embedded in walls facing the street. Apparently children took to it readily.
And, of course training will be even harder to accomplish without access to the machines.

Lief said...

How do most people get trained on computers? By personal motivation and a lot of looking at source code.
While this home-grown learning can get people in the door and "up to speed" it can definitely hurt sometimes as I see in my job everyday. If I have to flesh out the specs to one more freakin Access "database" built by someone who took a 1 day class for conversion to SQL I might have to squirrel myself away in a white room and start saving my fingernails.

On another note to this story, Steve Jobs, offered OS X up for his laptops for free but Negraponte declined saying he wanted "Open Source" software. This has to mean that if Negraponte is successful there will be millions of home-grown users of some flavor of Linux. I don't know what that means yet but I am sure there are analysts in MS and Apple working on it full time. Probably not profitable.

William A. Smith said...

I think both my cousins are missing the boat on how these users will get trained.... can you say The Halliburton Institute of Technology !?!? KA-CHING BABY!!

My only question is what company is going to try to get their grubby fingers on this potential cash cow...why do people call me paranoid? :)

I did see this on pbs the other night and it looked pretty cool.