Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Snow Tomorrow predicts a 90% chance of snow in Amboy tomorrow.
Renton is scheduled for Friday, I think.
Hey Mimi, what's the snow report in Belgique?


Anonymous said...

We had 5-6 inches last Sat. morning when we got up. We still have a huge lump in the yard due to Mike's attempt at an Eiffel tower. Today is cold and clear, 0 C. Haven´t looked at the forecast yet today.

Anonymous said...

It is 0.2C in the garage here. There is frost on the cars and thick heavy clouds in the sky. The air smells like snow. The cat smells like fur, and she's inside...has been for three days now.

Her job is to crush the paper in the recycling box, and hold it down when the door opens, to prevent the papers from blowing around. You can tell how serious she is about it by the look on her face.