Monday, November 21, 2005

The G.O.A.T. Gets Bush's Goat

Is it just me, or does Ali's fist look a little menacing in the picture here? Not to mention the more obvious curiosity of what he intended by that gesture. There's a video of the moment that's interesting because of how fast Bush moves aside and just as fast two handlers move in to escort The Champ away. Calls to mind the movie Gladiator, when Commodus keeps trying to look good but can't in comparison with a real hero.


William A. Smith said...

It is really hard to take seeing someone obviously impaired out there for all to see, on the other hand I thought Muhammed Ali looked pretty good :) The caption should read: Champ meets Chump/

Anyone taking bets that Bushy scurried off to put on his flightsuit jammies so he could feel better. History will not be kind to you dubya.

Amboy Observer said...

The irony of the scene is enormous. Could there be two people in the same room with more disparate qualities?

Anonymous said...

How so? They both have trouble speaking (no offense Ali), they both are rich, they both have escorts, oh, you´re right, Ali is a good physical specimen. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Amboy Observer said...

One thing I can name is how one came up to the top of his game through merit. The other, well, I still can't figure out how he did it.