Thursday, November 24, 2005

Hold The Phone Folks

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

This year, in addition to my usual thankfulness for family, friends, health and wellness, I'm thankful for technology.
Technology has come such a long way since the days of the pilgrims. And each new year brings great strides. For instance, this year you don't have to scour magazine ads looking for all the stuff you want your family to buy you for Christmas, all you have to do is go to a site like and review all the stuff that's on sale day Black Friday (tomorrow) then you can give a detailed map and directions as to where they should go. When I say they, I'm referring to those crazy (but incredibly generous) relatives of mine that are willing to face the crushing crowds physically tomorrow, in the hopes of getting the coolest Christmas gifts for the lowest prices. Whereas I figure the money I overpay by not going, is a pittance compared to the psychiatric bills I'd incur by going. No, no, no, crowds are not for me. I'll be shopping online this year, which brings us back, tidily, to my ode to technology. For instance,, not Costco, but only is offering the Oregon Scientific CableFree Weather Station for $25 off the normal price!!! You gotta love that. Using technology to help you buy more technology. Heaven, I'm in heaven.
Am I imagining this, or has the Christmas season come earlier this year? I wonder if there is a greater sense of malaise this year than usual and people just need to make Christmas bigger and sooner than ever?
Well, it's working for me. All this Christmas-list making and Black Friday planning has me in the highest of spirits. They may even be high enough for me to start thinking about what other people may want this year for Christmas. Hmmm, strange.


Anonymous said...

Please reconsider, before purchasing the Oregon Scientific Instruments weather station, the additional feature including with the Davis brand 6152 Vantage Pro2. The Davis product includes a solar radiation sensor, which is not included with the OSI weather station. I'm not certain, but it looks like the OSI station hooks up directly to your PC, while the Davis station connects to a logging station, which can record data while your PC is off-line. That's another cool feature of the Davis brand. The only problem is that the Davis station is a whole bunch more expensive.

I hope to instill a little caution, and maybe waiting until after the New Year and you might find some better prices. I like the OSI station as adequate for my own purposes (it records wind, temp and rain), so I think I'm going to order it for myself.

Amboy Observer said...

You are right. After reviewing the options, the Davis has some compelling options and quality differences that gives me pause.
The website said, somewhat threateningly that the unit with lower cost may not be the one with the lowest long-term cost of ownership.